
数学系 & 统计科学


的 数学与统计科学系 帮助学生为需要定量分析的工作做好准备, 分析, 以及关键的数学和统计技能. We ready our learners for graduate studies and research of international excellence spanning broadly pure mathematics, 计算与应用数学, 统计数据, 以及数学教育. We foster collaborations with high-tech industries and 政府 agencies with the goal of creating career paths for our students. 我们努力展示数学在现代的相关性和普遍性


数学与统计科学系 帮助学生为需要定量分析的工作做好准备, 分析, 以及关键的数学和统计技能. We ready our learners for graduate studies and research of international excellence spanning broadly pure mathematics, 计算与应用数学, 统计数据, 以及数学教育. We foster collaborations with high-tech industries and 政府 agencies with the goal of creating career paths for our students. 我们努力展示数学在现代的相关性和普遍性 经济通过定期的外联活动.

数学与统计科学系 提供数学理学士学位, 专注于纯数学和应用数学的各个领域, the Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Mathematics Education (BSED) with an option for Mississippi Licensure in Algebra/Geometry, 及统计学理学士学位(BS). 我们的毕业生继续深造数学或统计学, seek careers as mathematicians or statisticians in emerging high-tech industries and federal agencies or teach mathematics at the secondary level.


的 objectives of the 数学与统计科学系 for undergraduate training are as follows:

  • 培养喜欢解决问题的学生的定量分析能力, 统计分析, 数据可视化和发现奖励.
  • To encourage students to pursue advance training in mathematics or 统计数据 commensurate with their goals and talents.
  • 说明数学和统计学在RESEARCH中的作用, 数据的定量探索, 数据分析和可视化, 以及相关的科学领域.
  • To prepare effective teachers of mathematics and competent mathematicians and statisticians for work in business, 政府, 行业, 和教学.
  • To offer courses in mathematics or 统计数据 for students entering the University with mathematics or 统计数据 deficiencies.
  • To offer courses essential for those students pursuing study in major fields other than mathematics or 统计数据, 包括那些选择辅修数学或统计学的学生.

的 数学学士学位 Education program is a Council for the Accreditation for Educators Preparation (CAEP) nationally recognized program that grants initial certification as a secondary mathematics teacher.

数学与统计科学系 offers a doctoral degree concentration in 计算数学 and statistical sciences through the College of Science, 工程与技术博士.D. 计算数据支持科学与工程(CDSE)计划.

的 Department also offers programs leading to the MS degree in Pure or Applied Mathematics for students who seek careers in academia, 政府, 行业, 或者商业部门, 和CDSE的硕士学位. 这些课程是为有足够本科统计背景的人设计的, 计算机科学, 计算技术, 以及微积分序列之外的数学.

数学与统计科学系 是密西西比分会的成员 数学荣誉学会. 本科生、RESEARCH生和教师都是荣誉协会的成员. Society members participate in activities ranging from organizing the Department’s monthly undergraduate seminars to participating and presenting research at the annual meetings of the regional 美国数学协会 (MAA)和 美国数学学会 (自动对盘及成交系统). 数学及统计科学系亦是医学辅助队的机构成员. 你可以在这些数学组织的网站上找到所有About数学的令人兴奋的东西.

的 Department also runs a Data Visualization Lab called LISA-QED where members from other organizations on campus can acquire help in analyzing data. Many of our faculty members and graduate students are actively involved in several mathematical and statistical organizations such as the MAA, 自动对盘及成交系统, 工业与应用数学学会 (SIAM)和 美国统计协会 (ASA).

的 数学与统计科学系 aims to equip its graduates with the necessary mathematics and statistical knowledge and skills that prepares them to find solutions to mathematics or 统计数据 problems arising in other academic fields and in areas outside the normal academic setting and to use this knowledge to solve society problems of challenge. 的 program aims for national and international distinction in preparing mathematics students for a spectrum of careers including academic and nonacademic employment.

最后, the 数学与统计科学系 has a rich history of producing generations of mathematics degree holders. 点击历史链接了解更多信息.



的 数学与统计科学系 has attracted many external gifts of financial support and competitive grants over the years. 设有数学专业本科生常备奖学金4项, 数学教育, 和统计数据. 要申请奖学金,你必须登录网站 JSU奖学金 使用j#和NetID. 不知道NetID的学生必须登录 P.A.W.S. and select the option to Activate/重置NET ID和密码 (password needs to be at least eight characters with one capital letter and one numeric number)



的 program offers a thorough and in-depth 数学教育 that teaches you how to utilize math to solve some of the most challenging issues in the world.

解决问题,理解自然和人工现象, 你将学会与不同领域的专家合作, 比如物理科学, 工程, 和业务. You will get the chance to participate in faculty-mentored research as an undergraduate math student in a variety of topics, 比如学生学习数学或纯数学问题的最佳方法.


学习 BY

完成课程后, 你将了解基本的生物学原理, 在RESEARCH领域内以及与其他RESEARCHPERSONNEL进行逻辑思考和清晰沟通, 意识到与生命科学相关的社会问题, 为生命科学领域的职业生涯做好准备, 教学, RESEARCH生学习, 为医学提供坚实的专业前基础, 牙科, 兽医, 药店, 验光, 物理治疗, 口腔卫生, 医疗技术, 护理, 医疗记录管理, 从事有益于当地和科学界的基础和应用RESEARCH, 



Your time will be spent collecting and analyzing data or running experiments on state-of-the-art equipment – not solely sitting at desks. 

职业生涯 机会

生物学专业的学生在学习了分子本质之后,有大量的职业选择, 生理机制, 进化, 生命和生物体的物理结构:

会计主管 应付帐款文员 簿记、会计或审计文员 教学助理
导师 精算师 软件工程师 数学家
数据分析师 风险分析师 高级软件工程师 高中教师
项目经理 应用程序开发PERSONNEL 首席技术官 生物统计学家
数据科学家 金融工程师 运筹学分析师 保险的保险人


主要RESEARCH方向为抽象数学, 应用数学, 计算数学, 古典分析, 数据中心数学, 计算数据使科学和工程(CDS)成为可能&E), 数学教育, 数论, 算子理论, 动力系统, 近似理论, 功能分析, 拓扑结构, 和统计数据.

想了解更多? 点击下面查看我们的进展.



的 数学与统计科学系 operate four computer laboratories for 教学, RESEARCH与学习. 它还设有一个跨学科统计分析实验室, Quantitative Exploration of data and Visualization (LISA-QED) for research in Computational Data Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E).








Wolfram Mathematica








欲了解更多信息,请致电(601)979-2161与我们CONTACT.  我们期待着与您会面,看看我们的计划如何帮助您实现您的目标.

数学系 & 统计科学


 欧内斯特·E. Just Science Hall, 225室


(601) 979-2161